26 September 2020

nearing the end

of this season for the garden. I don't think I'm going to get any more tomatoes, and don't know how long the sunberry and amaranth will last.
Some things are still thriving- carrots! Haven't pulled a single one yet. I think they will taste better if I let them grow in the cooler weather a while.
Most of the herbs are still giving me flavor, although basil is looking sad now, lemon balm had a revival-
Other herbs still getting regular use in the kitchen- here a bit of parsley, chives and lovage I cut recently
Not in the garden but near it- the hollyhock mallow (zebrina flower) has doubled in size again. Only one lived. I doubt it will bloom now. I just read that in some areas this can be a pernnial- so maybe next year?
I do finally have flowers from the other one I planted late- cardinal climber! A few of the buds open in the middle of the day now
This one's grown up to the deck railing. I leaned through to get this photo.
View from below is pretty too-
I'm definitely growing this one next year. Just going to get an earlier start on it!

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