02 June 2019

fish activity

It was actually kinda cool to carry Laddie downstairs in a 2 gallon bucket yesterday, he was cruising and looking up at me the whole time. I showed him to my kid "Say hi to Laddie!" and the fish came up curious to look at her. In the bucket. This morning I walk downstairs and as soon as I enter the room where his QT bin is, he darts over to the nearest corner to waggle at me. I don't have any other fish who are so confident. The others would all be cowering in a corner or washed out in this situation.

Of course, I guess that same boldness is what makes it hard to keep them together. I don't think I'll try to keep two again. I envy those who had mild-mannered paradise fish that could live in groups (I've seen them on the forum). Mine are feisty! (When they're not sick).

Perry didn't want his breakfast today. It was a small pinch of micro pellets, only about seven or eight tiny pellets. I dropped them in the shrimp bowl. Now the shrimps are zinging around the bowl like crazy, scuttling for the one piece nobody's found yet, and trying to shove each other out of the way. It's kind of odd to sit here across the room, out of the corner of my eye the large tank is very still, and the small bowl full of activity.

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