23 February 2019

changes in the window tank

Younger crypt Moehlmanii now has a second leaf unfurling. It's still untouched by algae- probably because the driftwood piece stands between it and the stronger light
Parent plant still needs to get cleaned off weekly. I cut off one of the older leaves this time.
Cut some older unkempt leaves off the bolbitis fern, too. Lots of new young ones unfurling bright green
Crypts in the filter corner are growing in nicely
I've noticed on the warmer days when the light is brighter, plants start to look greener of course. The days we had snow, dim light outside and algae starting covering leaves again. Makes sense- if the plants aren't photosynthesizing as much, the algae will take advantage and grow more. Perry's colors are brighter as spring comes on
Lady's tail glows in the light
Perry is nearly Lady's size now. My husband thinks he has a few centimeters left to go. He suggested I feed Lady sparingly and give Perry more protein-rich foods, so he can outgrow her quicker.
I've noticed a subtle change in their behavior at the barrier wall. They face each other- but Lady doesn't bite hard. Perry flares slightly, they just look at each other, then one will turn, swim off, swim back casually. Once or twice I saw them nip at each other thru the wall today, but not with such force as before. More often than not, they just looked.
It seems their demeanor is softening. I am happy at the prospects of attempting a re-introduction.
Tried to get a few full tank shots, but without shielding the window light, this was the best outcome

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