24 February 2019

45 plants update

In my angelfish tank, most of the anubias have new young leaves
the aponogeton capuronii isn't very tall yet, but it also has new leaves sprouting- can see in center behind the anubias here
Crypt balansae is starting to look really good- not sure how tall it will get. There's a tiny leaf there in front of the balansae rhizomes- it's a piece of crypt willisii, found that bit floating around in here and just stuck it in that container
I was thinking for a while my java ferns were looking kinda awful. Cut out a half dozen leaves this week that went blanched white ugly. The rest look okay- and younger leaves look pretty green. I think it was just adjusting slower, to the changes with fewer fish, slightly longer photoperiod in the tank. Plus I've added back leaf litter again (not as much as before) I think that helps feed my plants in here.
Java fern 'windelov' looks nicest in this tank than any of my others, so when I found pieces floating unmoored in the window tank, I moved them in here.
Lost over half the vallisneria I planted in here. Two had come loose this week, I had to replant them. But those five left seem to be taking hold, so I hope they send out runners eventually. The two small remainders of crypt retrospiralis that were still hanging on in the 20H, I stuck into the front edge of this planter.
I trimmed one of my buce 'selena' in the betta tank. This time I replanted the top in the same spot, pulled the lower half with its roots and moved into here. Since the roots are clinging to some substrate, it sinks. When it has sprouted new leaves on top and looks more presentable, I'll tied it onto driftwood piece with the other 'selena' buces.

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