23 February 2019

hurt angel

I'm sad about my angelfish. Skye hurt himself again. The day before, startled with fright, dashed away into the corner- where the heater is- then he turns sharply upward splashes at the top I don't know if he hits the lid glass but it is horrid to me, hearing the dim little thonks of my fish striking the walls of the tank. He got this injury on his side- it doesn't look large but is actually a dent in his flesh
Yesterday was worse. I was doing regular tank maintenance and the appearance of the siphon hose frightened Skye again. This time he scraped his caudal peduncle and flank badly:
A day later, it does look like it is healing- the mark is not as stark- but I am really worried one day he is going to do so much damage to himself he won't be able to eat, or will be stunned.
M Beautiful goes pale and turns away or hides behind plants, but doesn't dash off and hurt herself like this. I don't know why he is so afraid. Guess I should have kept the tetras... It is comforting to see them so companionable, though.

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