07 August 2015


I noticed this week that compared to the newer plants, the rotala and especially aponogeton were looking yellowish, not nice green anymore. Also the aponos continue to collect algae. I look to the growth pattern on other plants- the crypt leaves emerge broad and low to the substrate, not long stems  with foliage held high, which would indicate reaching for low light. So I think my light level is medium. Val still looks good, other plants holding their growth rate steady, although the java fern is abysmally slow. So I think it's just that my rotala and aponos are hungry. Remembered I hadn't put any root tabs in the substrate since setting up the tank, and I used to do that once a month. I went out that day and bought several packets, put ten tabs in, around the plants that seem to need it most. They look to be responding already- the uppermost leaves on rotala are greener again, the younger apono leaves are turning greener as well but I think older ones can't recover that and will probably be shed. Smaller apono plants look more robust though, so I think this is on the right track. Just have to keep reminding myself: don't forget to feed the plants!

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