19 September 2023


I wasn't mistaken. Tucker looks great. He practically danced across the front of the tank in eagerness for breakfast this morning. I got the impression he really enjoyed being able to leisurely pick bites from the surface, not having the minnows darting and dashed all around in front of him nabbing food. I really do think they had stressed him out.
What's really lovely to see, is when Tucker spreads all his fins their widest, and takes on a triangular profile that reminds me of the angelfishes . . but of course I can't catch that on camera yet. Once he sees me approach, he's moving all over the place, ha.

Even my kid noticed the difference. Went over and looked in the tank when I remarked, "say hi to Tucker" and exclaimed "Oh wow, he's so vibrant!" He really is.
It feels a bit sad though, that now I only have one fish, and two little shrimps in a separate jar. Already I keep mulling over if I could try some other species with Tucker- peppered cories, platies, swordtails, mollies, black skirt tetras . . . but I think they would all become an issue in one way or another, and he really does look so much happier alone.

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