26 August 2023

bye, Precious

My last angelfish died last night. She'd been gradually getting worse. Darting around the tank, acting "twitchy"-jerking her head to the side, or her pelvic fins as if something irritated them. Lately doing this odd thing where she'd drift down and then turn and swim body horizontal to the tank floor, across the length of it. Pushed by the gentle filter flow? she must've been so weak. Yesterday I thought she was looking poorly- didn't eat, and sat nose kinda angled up for most of the time. I thought: oh, she hasn't got long now, and did a partial water change. This morning she was gone. Still looking stunted. I don't feel terribly sad like I have loosing other fishes in the past- I wasn't really attached to this one, she reminded me of how badly I cared for my angel tank the past two years . . .
There was still a zebra nerite in her tank. I acclimated
and moved it into the 33L, as I have no other tanks running now. And then realized my error: if the angelfish had a contagious disease (probably) I've just now introduced it to my healthy tank. Facepalm. How could I have done that. Now I feel I should pull and just euthanize the snail- but it's been alive for four or five years! - but it's probably too late. Here below the crypt moehlmanii patch (they're looking rather pale, another thing I need to fix)
The white clouds have been flirting and darting in and out of plant thickets in here- breeding again. The few I had put in the smaller QT did nothing of the sort. I gave up and moved them all back in. Fat female is still fat- I was trying to get a photo of Tucker here who got excited that I might feed him and was going too fast back and forth- she's just visible there in the background. Now I notice she has a hunched spine, so probably it's bloat not eggbound and I might as well end her suffering.
Fish stuff is not going so great. Mainly because I somewhat neglected my tanks over the past two years of: accident, illness, low energy due to near-anemia, surgery and now an injured finger! I can at least manage water changes with that, as long as careful to keep my hand dry. Sheesh. But it's the errors I make from not thinking clearly, that are the worst.

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