28 August 2023

all the jars-

well, the newest one is a vase. This same vase. Now I have it with crypt balansae, which I couldn't bear to throw away when emptied the 20H. Keeping it in here for a few months, hopefully then whatever pathogen killed my angelfishes, will have died off, and if the plants are still alive I might move them into the 33L.
It's so strange to have an empty tank in the room
and houseplants moved into its spot.
But I've still got my jars- this one 
with two shrimps
the anubias need older leaves with algae trimmed off again, but the buces are all nice
I hadn't noticed it until today, but my little patch of corkscrew vals is getting thin. Some of it's been dying off. I think I need to add a few more shrimp to make waste, or put plant food in (haven't done that in a long time)
The mermaid weed is rather small, too. Looks wavy in this picture from the old thick glass
which also blurs out the snail I tried to get a closeup of.
My other jar has less variety of plants- just anubias, crypt beckettii-petchii, 
a few buces. Nothing tall, so it doesn't even start to fill the space
It does look nice from above, though. Only snails live in here, most of them ramshorns.

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