10 May 2023

so very late

but I did finally pot up my herb seedlings. Even though they will probably go into their larger pots and/or the ground in just a week or two, they needed nutrients from regular soil. So small still! Basil
Summer savory 
Actually got a few fenugreek- two more sprouted in the seedling tray
The parsley, 
garlic chives and green onions aren't quite big enough to prick out yet 
It seems like the cardinal climbers leapt overnight- this was a few days ago when I potted them up
And now: is it my imagination, or are they slightly larger already
Here's a more visible difference in size: summery savory seedlings just before I took them out of their tray
compared to a few of the same plant, that grew back from roots in the planter box on the deck! I didn't know this herb could survive the winter, but these two did just that (only two out of the dozen I had growing last year, so not much but still)

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