17 April 2023

small wildlife and things

in the yard. When I was digging compost out of the pile (still a lot to spread) I startled a leopard frog. I reached for the camera in my pocket but in the few seconds it took to lift up, the frog was gone.

But I did get a picture of this little toad that was under the weeds in my garden bed 7. I think it's a Fowler's toad.

The other day I was out picking dandelion heads from the smaller sideyard (just so the poufs don't scatter seed everywhere) and saw a narrow tail disappearing under the stepping stone. I thought it was a baby snake and wanted to see- lifted the edge and there was a fat skink! pressing himself further away from me and then dashed out into the open, scrambled into shelter behind a shrub so fast it made me laugh. The stones have a hollow underneath and I wonder if the skinks shelter there in winter, which pleases me. Though it probably makes a nice place for slugs to stay, too.

Today I found another brown skink, it had fallen into an empty bucket. So glad I found it while still alive. Called my husband to come see it up close (would have hollered for my kid but she was at school) and then set the bucket down laid sideways to let it go. It sat there very still as if stunned on the decking for a moment then ran down between two boards, so quick. Yesterday I saw a very small skink with bright blue tail, on the railing up top. So lively again.

My daughter looked out across the yard and said "oh, is that my favorite weed?!" at the ajuga. I'm not sure if it's the one she's thinking of- she said it grew at our previous house, and she liked to pop the "bumps off the stem in a row." Maybe it's the ajuga she means, when it has buds or seed formed? I just thought it was great she has a favorite weed. Who else but the child of a gardener.

Although I'm dismayed to learn that once again, I planted something that's considered an invasive in my yard. Both the vinca here growing among the bright purple bugleweed.

At least the lamb's ears opposite are not invasive, just alien.

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