17 April 2023

only sowing

for this year. It feels so very late in the season. I didn't sow any chervil or cilantro, already too hot probably. Mostly did herbs, with two plants just because I like them- cardinal climber because I want to see the hummingbirds come, and fenugreek for the lovely scent. I didn't start any decorative sage, or any of the basils I never eat, or even nasturtiums or tithonia. Just carrying the boston fern, geraniums and coleus plants in/out of the house every day right now is wearing me out. A few trays of herbs is all the more I can handle, still. Sigh. Well, here's what I started:

Summery Savory
Sweet Basil
German Thyme
Garlic Chives
Bunching Onions
Cardinal Climber

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