30 April 2023

did stuff with houseplants

I've actually had this in mind for a long time. My tall, leggy dracanea in the corner I felt needed a larger pot, but it's behind a bunch of stuff so I have put off doing that for months. Yesterday moved the plant benches so my husband could access some cables, and then took the opportunity. Repotted the dracanea:
Yes it's almost touching the ceiling. Soon I will have to decide if I'm going to re-home it to someone who has higher ceilings, or take the risk of cutting and replanting the top. Doubtful if I would succeed with that.
Then I took it's old pot, and repotted the asparagus fern into that
It was quite root-bound, many circling the inside of the pot, and when I untangled, tons of those fat bulbs that store water hanging down
It's been looking rather pathetic lately, fronds only on one half of the pot, and they keep turning brown or yellow. I'm probably doing something amiss with the watering, or it needs better light, or more misting . . . 
But I hope it perks up from this
While I was in that corner, I saw my 'ponytail' succulent was looking bad, too- tons of withered, dropped-off leaves. I cut all the best pieces out, stripped the lower stems, dumped most of the soil and replaced with cactus mix, repotted anew the cuttings. I think I just forgot to water it too often, over the winter months.
And replanted into my zebrina pot, its cuttings I'd rooted in water over the past few weeks.
Next to pot up some coleus cuttings of my favorite.

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