02 October 2022

end summer blooms

Last week with the cold, hummingbird quit coming to visit. The cardinal climber flowers lingered a bit longer.
Sharing space on balcony railing with cowpea vines again
Around the mailbox I've started trimming off the heavy heads of celosia, I'm sure there's already an overload of seed on the ground there. They were pretty good this year!
Joe Pye I also cut down before it could scatter too much seed.
Sedums are starting to look their best
Rear side bed is pretty messy, but turtlehead still makes some color
My black-and-blue salvia did well again this year,
but the lilac next to it appears to be dying. One half has no leaves. Overshaded by the neighbor's tree? Crowded out by the salvia? I'm not sure. Maybe it's just sick or attacked by some insect pest.
Cranesbill is starting to falter in the cold, less flowers now- but it was great just a few weeks ago:
Not sure how the mums will do, I didn't pinch them more than once this year so maybe they will flop over. But lots of buds right now!
And there's not nearly as much of this blue sage as I would like- the color is so stunning when everything else is beginning to go drab.

1 comment:

Jeane said...

I figured out why one side of my lilac is missing leaves. The deer have been eating the twig ends.