26 August 2021

out front

In the front bed, my sweet alyssum plants have grown into decent clumps and flowered after all. Pinks:
and purples. Still not very visible from the sidewalk, say- but enough I'm encouraged to try growing more next year.
Also pleased well the chrysanthemums look, since their move forwards- the additional light has helped. Even though think I forgot to do the second pinching, I'm hoping the flowers do better now (not so leggy).
Also doing better is the row of 'main street rodeo drive' coleus. So bright!
The sedums are looking grand, though deer have started to eat them- I need to put out deterrents. Columbine are still green behind the coleus, peony foliage nice, cranesbill filled in, and I've started trimming the small creeping stonecrop to spread around the edge- but didn't take more pictures of all that.

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