22 June 2021


I never had rutabaga before also known as swedes. I bought the seed to try this turnip-rutabaga hybrid, having read it can have milder flavor compared to either turnips or rutabagas. They grew huge! I hadn't grown many, so pulling four was half the lot. Yeah, the leaves had tons of holes- but I only picked off four small caterpillars. Either because most of the holes are from slugs, or it's prior damage from caterpillars I've already picked off (birds and skinks are helping out there too- I've seen the wren and catbird making rounds in the garden again!
I wanted to make a carrot/rice dish to go with the turnip-rutabaga but realized when I opened the cripser, I was out of store-bought carrots. So happily went down to the garden, very satisfied to find enough were ready to pull- 
This whole meal is garden-grown: carrots in the rice bake, turnip-rutabaga greens cooked with garlic, and the turnip-rutabaga roots simmered in a bit of butter and salt. They were very mild, none of the bitterness I get with turnips, and the greens surprisingly tasty, too. And so easy to grow. I think I might grow these more than turnips next year!

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