22 June 2021

another fish shuffle

I thought about this all last night, and first thing when I woke up this morning, and just decided to do it. After all, my original intention was to just have two or three female angels in the 55, and the festivum cichlids. Why postpone it? My festivums have been in QT plenty long enough, they look perfectly healthy aside from that tiny growth on Foxface's chin. I did want to give Foxface one more salt dip, see if it makes the thing drop off completely. Dithered in my head for a while- is it more stressful to put him back in the QT tank after, and catch him twice, or to put him straight from salt bath recovery into a floating bag in the 55, acclimate for release? I decided on the latter. . . 

So he went in a bucket again. When the salt bath was done, I had the smaller festivum ready caught and floating in my largest fish bag, in the 55. Netted Foxface into there, acclimated them both. It makes me so happy to see them in there. They look completely at ease. Terrible photo, but I'll get a better one later when the tank light is on.
Meanwhile I emptied and moved the 20gal QT so I can fill it up (the piece of furniture it was on isn't strong enough). I put my smaller 8 gal QT bin in the vacated spot. This has the smallest sponge filters and some of the QT decor in it, running with the two adult guppies that had been in the 55- just to keep it cycled because I do still want to get a paradise fish for the 33L- and the LFS has them now, I just haven't had a chance to go yet.
So two guppies in the small QT, festivums moved into the 55, and then I caught the male angelfish to put them in the 20H. Where they will wait while I find them new homes. Shouldn't be difficult, they're beautiful fish! Actually, i only caught and moved two today- the koi ones.
The golden one is still in the 55. I didn't want to overload the cycle in the 20H too quickly so I'll move him tomorrow or next day.

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