28 June 2021

home-grown dinner

Chard today- both swiss chard and leaf-beet variety.
Pulled more carrots- including some of the red 'dragon' ones. 
Edit add: Funny thing, when I started peeling them, they're not red underneath- just regular orange. And two were yellow. All tasted the same. Very sweet when roasted.
Also ate some amaranth 'calaloo' greens in eggs for breakfast. They've been riddled with holes. I thought it was slugs- so numerous my traps weren't getting enough of them. Had a bout of insomnia last night- woke at three am couldn't sleep. So I went out in the garden with a flashlight and found the culprits. Very small pale grey larvae. I think from a beetle because I caught a few of those on the plants too. I removed what larvae I found, squished the beetles, and simply cut a bunch to eat myself, even with the bug holes. Found two more of the larvae when I washed the leaves. Will have to be more diligent on that bed or the bugs will overwhelm the plants.


Ellie said...

Your carrots look great! We've never had much luck growing them, they're always small and deformed.

Jeane said...

Thank you! Mine are better this year than ever- I think from several years' worth of composting, green beans in the bed the year before (fixing nitrogen) and turning over the soil a whole spit (the only one I do it for).