20 May 2021

simpson in the heat

Getting hotter- it's going to be above 90° today. Some of the simpson lettuce were looking a bit leggy, so I pulled 'em.
There's one row left, probably will pull by the end of the week. We have plenty more days in the eighties and lower nineties. Good news is, that means tomorrow I can start planting out my cardinal climbers, benne, amaranth callaloo, peppers, etc. And start the final lot- zucchini, cucumber and green beans (cowpeas in this case, unless I change my mind last minute. I also have seed for bush beans and the purple pole beans still).

Cheers! Day before yesterday I spied a bit of normal-colored green on the fenugreek. Looked close- there are new leaves growing, and they look fine. I promptly repotted all the basils and some of the waiting garden plants- younger peppers, zebrina flor- into the better soil, and tossed the old that was full of wood (at least it felt and looked and smelled like shredded bark or wood chips). 

My root bed is doing very well. I don't know why so much better than the spot they were in year before- more sun? improved soil (finally enough compost over the years)? or because I got rid of a large portion of pests with the insecticidal soap? Maybe they are healthier because followed the beans. If that's it, they should do great in the bed that has peas right now, next year . . . 

I'm thinking this because I pulled some lovely turnips last night- the best I've grown yet- and made a turnip/peas dish with fresh dill and butter. My husband liked it, the kids tolerated it enough to actually eat some, haha.

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