15 September 2020

new for the yard

I skipped my annual spring plant shopping this year. But just had a fall plant splurge last week! A modest one. Got a few plants I've been wanting- including a nice oakleaf hydrangea for the back
My happiest find was this beautyberry (though a bit disappointed the nurseries only have japanese beautyberry, I wanted the native one)
The berries are gorgeous- so vivid!
Its color scheme is so like the 'gay delight' coleus had to take a photo of them together
That one's been on my want list for a while. Also more bugleweed- I was particularly looking for this narrow-leaved one called 'chocolate chip'
also found a dwarf variety of same
and four other kinds I didn't know existed- 'burgundy glow'
'bronze beauty'
'black scallop'
and 'metallica crispa' (also a dwarf variety)
This blanket flower is a perennial native. I do believe it's the one a friend gave me seeds of- which I thought of as daisy-like. Its particolored flowers are so startling bright I'm putting it in a spot I don't see often- alongside the driveway (so tucked here between the hyssop plants it will replace). This one is 'Arizona sun'
and this (which is kinda sad right now- they were on fifty percent off sale) is 'mesa bright bicolor'
I only had two impulse buys- a 'siskiyou pink' wandflower
and this st john's wort. I have no interest in using it as a tea or medicine. I just thought the foliage was pretty, and can grow in shade- always need more of that!
Will put up photos of their placements in my yard later- I took advantage of one completely overcast, cool day to plant, and it was seven or eight hours of work (carefully separating all the individual bugleweed crowns as you will see). Had to get it all done because what followed was another several days of sun and heat straight. Sore muscles now, but very satisfied. However my wrist is aching from all the digging with hand trowel, so I don't feel like typing too much right now. It needs a rest.

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