16 September 2020

I made a thing

four things, actually. 
When at the nursery last week I mentioned in dismay how the deer ate all my hostas this year, and the nurseryman remarked "unfortunately, once they discover your yard, they'll always come back" and I thought: wait a minute. They didn't just discover my yard this year. I've found their tracks and droppings every season. Why did my hostas get eaten this year and not the ones previous?

Then I remember what I forgot to do. This year, I didn't put out chunks of irish spring soap. I guess it really was working! Dang. The plastic baggies I used before are all tattered now and some water pooled in them- so I fashioned this hanger thingy. I made a little mesh pouch, strung it on a loop of fishing line threaded through two tiny holes poked in a piece of plastic (from food container) to make a little roof. To keep off the rain. 
I hung them on the forsythia, on a rose of sharon (near the hostas that got eaten), and on each oakleaf hydrangea. Even though those have fencing around them now, this might keep the deer from coming to eat the hostas nearby.

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