07 June 2020

how things are doing in the back

This bunch of turtlehead never does well later in the summer- I rarely see blooms on it. It looks nice and lush now, but someday I will dig up and move the plants to a better spot.
Echinacea turned out just fine in spite of the caterpillars
Some of the young ones are growing up between the stepping stones. I really need to get back here and do some weeding!
Rhubarb, and to the right of it the funny seed stalks of the arum
I like the contrast of bright liriope and muted heartleaf brunnera
But this one is getting overwhelmed by the hellebores, so will have to dig and move come spring
I'm pleasantly surprised how long into the heat bleeding hearts have lasted, this year. Nice brightness, the sun through their paler leaves (lower left).
Monarda thicket seen from the rear, with echinacea and astilbe if you look close.

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