09 April 2020

spring flowers

Bleeding hearts
See that one on the lower part of stem- it looks as if it's kicking out a little leg sideways!
Twice as many blooms this year as last.
Pink heucherella blooming. It looks so - delicate and antique.
So glad I moved this one. It's done better and better every year in this spot by the garden.
I only have three tulips this spring. Two red, and one pink. Either the squirrel has eaten the bulbs, or they are just not thriving.
Disappointingly, I looked up this plant and it is not a wild ginger. It's garlic mustard, an invasive. I was finally able to identify it by the flower, and broke a leaf- yes, a garlicky smell.
In the first year it has deep roots and that shape I admire; this one I found in another part of the yard is second year- when it grows tall and flowers but easier to pull out (roots shallower now for some reason). So I yanked this one and put it in the trash.
I'll admire the other two a short while, knowing they'll get removed next spring in turn.

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