25 April 2020

bolbitis for the bowl

My one-and-a-half gallon planted shrimp bowl is still in the bedroom. Some plants didn't make it through winter- java fern died and the little sprigs of rotala look pathetic. Elodea even worse. I pulled them out. Instead, put in some bolbitis tied onto bits of wood and stone, from my window tank (where it was ready for a trim!)
Bolbitis does fine in my kid's unheated snail bowl in the other room, so I figured would do okay in here, too.
Still have a few stems of mermaid weed- they don't look great, but don't look terrible either.
Anubias has been very happy in here. It's grown so much I need to shift the rock stack/ shrimp cave over,
as some of the anubias leaves press against the glass-
Buce is really happy too (photo not at the best angle though). I ought to try a few more buce in here.
Ramshorn snails have started multiplying-
There's some very tiny ones-
And I still have four amano shrimp- although they scurried around with such excitement when I added something new- the bolbitis- that I could hardly get a picture.
I really thought the rotalas and elodea would grow tall and the subwassertang fill in spaces with green fluff. I think the rotalas and java fern suffered because of low nutrients, but I wonder if the subwassertang and elodea got picked apart by the shrimps? Thinking to try a few of the small crypts in here, see how they do.

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