04 November 2019


We finally had a night of real cold. I'm glad I've taken all my coleus cuttings- and the small pots and jars came off the windowsills at night. My fig inside has dropped half its leaves. I cut back and blanketed with crumbled dry leaves the various pots of mint and the rosemary (crossing fingers). Composted all the wilted coleus and most of the celosia patch (one plant hangs on stubbornly looking halfway decent), fluffed up leaf mulch under the peonies, mums, lilac, hostas and others, cut down and put in yard waste bag for the curb the tithonia plants, bean and cantaloupe vines (because they seemed to harbor pests). Saved a half dozen dried beans from one purple pole bean pod. I've also pulled the pepper plants, turnips (got composted) and leeks (chopped and frozen) from the garden, and have started blanketing the beds with cardboard bits, finished compost and fallen leaves. There's lots of raking to do and I gathered more white oak to use in my aquariums all next year. Surprisingly the turtlehead by the garden, and the black and blue salvia behind the lilac bush, are still green and looking nice. Collards, chard, and half the perennial herb bed are still doing fine too. Maybe have some more photos soon.

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