24 October 2019

shrimp bowl rescape

I took the tiny sponge filter out of my shrimp bowl to drop in the tetras' QT which is unfortunately still in mini-cycle. And then while I was at it took all the plants out (dropping the shrimps in a container with all the floaters and some subwassertang meanwhile) and rearranged everything.
My idea was to have the largest plants grouped center on and around rocks, with subwassertang tucked in a ring around the edges, so that which ever way I rotate the bowl (to keep the plants in there from leaning all one direction towards the window) there's something interesting as focal point.
One side has the mermaid weed and parrot's feather
The biggest rock has buce on it-
Some new tiny leaves grew! but look a bit pale. I need to cut off that lower leaf- looks like BBA started to edge
I think the anubias has grown quite a lot-
Replanting the rotala stems made them so short they kinda got lost in the subwassertang-
Final touch was tucking a few leaves in
I was a bit concerned how the shrimps would do without a filter running- and they hid for the first few hours after reintroduction so it's hard to tell. But now are out and about again, look just fine. Some of the plants were even pearling.
I feel like the jar has a more wild look to it now
I'm not perfectly happy with it though. I'd rather see the smaller stems more, and I think the extra rock and sponge pieces take up too much space- I kept them in there to avoid loosing bacteria and drop into a cycle. Might rescape again and pull more things out, but I'll wait and see how the parrot's feather and mermaid weed do long term, first . . .

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