23 October 2019

moving shrubs

Utilities came and marked the ground in my backyard yesterday. All the area I want to eventually fill with shrubs and shade perennials is clear- no problem to dig. I planted my bayberry:
I hope it's not too late in the season. The next night was much colder, in the thirties.
Unfortunately found out that all the underground cables and stuff converge in the corner where my composting spot is.
I took photos of the marks from all angles so in future I know where it's okay to dig or not.
Smaller things like the liriope, echinacea, this little rue, are okay-
but some of my young shrubs are too close to the underground lines- especially the camellia
I dug it up and moved, two feet from the mark now (per instructions)
I also dug out the smaller, central of the three young euonymus, and moved the larger one on right to the middle spot- so now there's only two back here. The one I took out, I put in the spot between trees near back fence where I never planted a rhodie because couldn't dig a big enough hole.
Surprising (or not so!) happy thing about all this- digging the hole for the bay laurel was the usual tough work- heavy clay and rocks, only a bit easier time because of some recent rain. Digging to move the euonymus was slightly easier- it's a spot that's been mulched with leaf litter and twigs for two years now. Digging the camellia- wow, that was so easy. The shovel just sank in- it was all so soft. I have really babied that plant with leaf mulch, coffee grounds, compost and extra watering. And the soil gave proof. I just hope the camellia can settle in again and doesn't falter through winter from the transplant.

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