03 October 2019

eating from the garden

I tried roasting turnips this time. Tossed with olive oil, a dab of butter, thyme, leeks (substituted for shallots), salt and pepper. It was- just tolerable for me. My husband claims he likes the slightly bitter taste (but maybe he's humoring me), the kids won't touch it. I need to figure out how to grow them different, find a new variety, or just give up on turnips. They grow better for me than beets or even carrots, so this is disappointing.
I cut a bunch of leeks- all the long tops that have been dragging down to the ground. Discarded some that were too dirty or peaky-looking, washed the rest-
cut into shorter lengths-
and stored in the fridge. I've found they keep fresh for a few weeks if rinsed, shaken (not dried off) and placed over paper towel in a sealed container.
Now my leeks in the garden are blue-green fans. Much tidier. I'll probably pull and freeze these soon, to have for winter in soups and stuff. They did really well for me- started early!- but a dozen was more than my family used. Next season I might just grow five or six plants.

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