26 August 2019

ramshorns move

I had all my extra ramshorn snails in plastic tub, with an oak leaf, the fake bridge, and some bits of plants.
Transferred all the largest ramshorns into the window tank, about ten of them. Laddie sure was interested. I let them float long enough he quit trying to bite them through the plastic and moved away. I opened the back half of the tank lid, Laddie was at front looking to see if I'd give food, and I just dropped the snails in the back, straight into the bolbitis thicket where Laddie can't reach. So he won't get them all right away, leave them time to crawl around some.
One was up on the glass shortly after, nomming away on algae already.
The smaller ramshorns- a good dozen more- I put into square glass container on my kitchen windowsill, with the plant bits- elodea, baby java ferns sprouting off a leaf, windelov fern tied onto wood pieces. Give the plants time to grow out some. Found three little jelly-like blobs of ramshorn eggs on the walls of the bin when I cleaned it out- so they must have been content in there- I gently scraped them off with fingernail and dropped in here. Not sure if I damaged them or not.
Here's one up on the glass already. (There was a blob of snail poo under it, I didn't want that in the picture so I nudged it to fall away, but that disturbed the snail it started to pull back into the shell here)
Next to it on the sill, is my other glass box with the subwassertang and a few more, smaller ramshorns. It was in a gelato container before, this has more volume.
I like to see the subwassertang floating, and the light shining through it.
There was one snail in the plastic tub I suspected wasn't alive, but it didn't stink. The snail body was pulled far back into the shell; I hadn't seen it move in a day. I figured the shrimps would tell me- I dropped it into their jar. Immediately one claimed it and was busy picking, picking to eat. (Distortion from the glass)

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