15 May 2019

yard side plants

I planted out my red/purple salvia into the garden, edge of the back perennial bed.
They're already budding.
On the 'nice' sideyard, my new milkweeds have shot up- and the vinca against the wall is getting thick. Already I need to trim it back.
Row of gladiolas on the other side is tall and thick, too. I pulled weeds and mulched with half-composted leaf litter a day after this picture. The glads have definitely spread. I'm thinking of fastening a wire fence piece across the back side of the space- so they don't fall over into the neighbor's pepper plants.
Up over the retaining wall, my new blue salvias (this one looks rather purple) are doing great! On the right there is the second-year black-and-blue salvia. I think they are going to compete for the space- should have put the purple one further to the side maybe.
Here's the other- 'may night'.
I still have to figure out where to put the native sedum- maybe behind this salvia against the wall. Still have celosia, tithonia, peppers and some extra coleus to plant out, too. Waiting another day or two- it's going to be below sixty tonight again, but I think they'll all be okay outside in the shut coldhouse. Then I'll have to wait for an overcast day, to lessen transplant shock.

I'm almost done mulching my vegetable/herb beds with shredded bamboo. Began pulling out some of the bolting lettuce, and cutting back the arugula, leaving a few stalks that have seed pods. The asian greens have started to come up, but the bean plants behind them are leaning forwards, not growing up the bamboo poles I put in. I think the spot is too shady. I should have put the beans in the front of the bed, and the greens behind. Oh well. Maybe I will shrug off purple pole beans for this year, and plant bush beans where the lettuces are coming out instead.

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