01 May 2019

tomatoes and herbs

are all living on my deck in pots this year- I just moved the tomatoes into their two-gallon containers
I'm foregoing wire cages this year, and just tied the vines to the fence. I always have to tie the wire cages to the fence anyway, to prevent them from falling over in high winds, so why not just loop the vines themselves to the fence support?
I've also potted up my two small rue- required donning disposable gloves
Small lemon balm went into a slightly larger pot. It had been looking miserable, until I starting putting it outside under glass. I think the window spot near vent was too dry or cold for it, in winter.
My basil plants- here's sweet basil
and the purple amaratto one- which I couldn't help taking several photos of. It's so pretty (but clashes so much with the red decking. I convinced my husband we need to repaint the deck a more subtle brown).
Sculpit- hoping it will show me the curious balloon flowers
Fenugreek- have yet to taste this one
Rosemary- I bought a live one from the supermarket
and thyme- another replacement
My second-year pot of ginger mint
and the older pot of chocolate mint-
You can see the shredded bamboo mulch faded into a nice tan in the older pots

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