02 May 2019

in and around the garden

my clematis is blooming!
the new pink one has been planted and pegged to the post
it's by the corner of new bed where chard are growing, and beans soon
I've made some progress shredding bamboo to mulch the rest of the beds- in the permanent herb bed in front it still looks blue-green, under the greens in rear bed, dried out to tan. (Visible in front bed: green onions, lemon balm, sage. Rear: collards, arugula, russian kale).
My arugula bolted fast. I've cut some flowers just because I enjoy having them in a tiny jar on my desk. Stems are thicker than last years'.
Pot of nasturiums on the stump, surrounded by turtlehead. I've already had to mulch the nasturtium pot with stones, squirrel was digging in there. One of my neighbors must be giving it peanuts, I've been finding them buried in my garden! The empty area here full of mock strawberry, is where I dug out the sensitive fern.
Turtlehead is already thick and lush. I saw another gardener mention she has to cut hers back midseason, or it gets over six feet high. I couldn't imagine turtlehead growing that tall- until I saw how fast and high it grew this spring-
View of most of it- rue in front, leeks and beets to the left (halfway mulched), peas in the back, turnips a bright spot center, clematis vine in the back on the right.
In the perennial bed at bottom of the yard, I mulched my rhubarb thickly with shredded bamboo, too. I hope this keeps away the slugs (never have a slug problem in my raised beds). Still haven't cut any rhubarb to eat, it just doesn't seem big enough yet.
I don't think I've ever seen my dill grow so lush and thick before- it's wonderful

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