02 March 2019

cold front

Snow again the day before yesterday, and predicted for later tomorrow. My green onions, parsley and leeks in the herb bed remain sheltered in cloches.
The more cold-hardy seedlings go out during the day in the coldhouse. This upright one with shelves is easier to move them in and out of
but the new solid wooden coldframe on the ground offers better shelter. It's 40° outside right now, 60° in the coldframe.
So I have most of them tucked in there.
I've found that chervil doesn't really like the cold. It wilts when the coldframe is under 50°. So now chervil and marigold stay in the windowsills on the coldest days, and go out/come in later/earlier than the other young plants.
The leeks, dill, lettuces, arugula, kale, leaf chard and parsley do fine if it's just above 40°. I even sometimes scoop up bits of half-melted snow to slow melt for watering them.

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