09 December 2018

window tank- fish and plant updates

Got more Ich Attack friday and dosed the window tank again. Kept meds in it for two more days, fishes still look fine. Perry is super excited about food again- it's nice to see his appetite back. Lady has not shown spots for a week. Did a partial wc (5 gal) to begin removing the salt.
There is more algae now- I am not sure if because the plants weren't doing as well while meds were in the tank, or if winter sun hits the window different angle than summer, so I should have left the extra plastic layer on. Today I scraped all the glass and put the subwassertang back in- that might help some. If algae crops up again (there's soft brown stuff on walls and some plant leaves, and hard green spot algae on back glass) I'll rehang the plastic sheeting.

Bought a new plant on a whim last week. I don't often see plants in the nearby chain store, that I haven't tried already- except water lily bulbs. This was a tissue culture packet of ludwigia arcuata. The leaves are tiny. I am pretty sure now that my unknown 'temple plant' was never ludwigia arcuata, unless this one changes form dramatically when it re-adjusts. I was intrigued to read that it does fine in temperatures down to mid sixties, so wanted to try it in my window tank. I also planted some in the betta tank.
Ludwigia palustris all died- in every tank. Nearly all the water wisteria rotted to pieces in the 20H- only a few left now. The ones I had accidentally pulled up and found they had nice white roots, when I replanted them the lower stems promptly melted to mush. I took most of it out, trimmed off just the tops which were still green, and dropped those to float in the window tank, for the heck of it.
About ten floating pieces of it in the paradise fish tank now. Pleasantly surprised the other day I found one of those had sprouted new roots! So I planted it in the back of the tank, where it will get the best light. Not sure how it will look there if it actually grows out; I could relocate it later but in my experience every time I move a wisteria it goes through shock.

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