15 April 2018

full coldframe

Very hot day this week. Coldframe open all the time. Thermometer in there read over ninety degrees, up to a hundred a few times. It was warm enough at night I simply wrapped the thing in old sheets and left all the plants in there (above 60°). Getting cooler again so not quite ready to plant out yet...
It's mostly coleus right now.
and the new perennials
herbs and other plants I recently bought
sweet potato vine takes its days in the sun
This is the spot indoors where my lemon verbena spends the night. I like how it looks next to the false aralia. Which is still getting sprayed every-other-day with soapy water. It keeps dropping dusty shriveled looking lower leaves. I hope the younger growth on top stays healthy. Still might have to use Neem on it...

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