22 January 2014


My Ginger plant seems to be fading. I know that in cold climes (colder than the warm places where it grows naturally) it should be kept relatively dry in winter, and will die back some. But mine has dried out so much between light waterings, that only one small stalk is left now. I'm not certain if this is normal and I should expect an entire die-back, or if it will still revive in spring. I've had other plants that I thought went dormant but they were just dead. Never came back.

Right now outside my Hibiscus, Mimosa and Dogwood are just bare stems. I have not given them much winter care, aside from occasional watering. I hope they will regrow but not sure. I also think I might have lost my Rosemary to the extreme cold spells we've had this winter. The foliage has all suddenly turned a very dull, dark color and begun falling off. Sad. (Pot of Sage next to it is still alive)

Also threw out the Mint which was indoors. I had been enjoying an occasional cup of tea from the clippings but lately the foliage has been very small, growth slow and when I look close it has that dreaded pale, sickly mottled discoloration and webbing under the leaves. I had no choice but to throw it out. Could spread to other plants. Ugh.
Particularly upset to loose the Stevia, which was just beginning to flower again. I had taken it into kitchen to cut stems to dry, and then noticed the damage. Same as the mint. I failed to look close enough to see before. It's advanced up all the stems, I don't think I can save the plant. Not sure if it caught the ailment from neighboring mint on the windowsill, or if it was from something in the potting soil, or from being exposed to things outside on the balcony in summer... regardless, this one has to go too. Blah.

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