11 March 2013

new start

I have started more seeds.
The kids joined in. My older daughter sowed in some recycled containers some kew seeds (a plant that makes green fuzzballs- I've never seen anything like it but the packet looks intriguing) some cherry tomato, orange cosmos, marigolds and forget-me-nots.
For her little sister, participating meant having her own plastic tray, asking for dirt to put in it, shaking all the seed packets she could get her hands on and insisting I open them for her, sprinkling a few seeds into the dirt, pulling stickers (labels) on and off things, and finally dumping her dirt from one tray into another and back again. Of course most of the dirt ended up on the floor, but she had fun! Her biggest problem was that when I gave her seeds, she invariably dropped them and then couldn't discern them from the dirt spilled on the table (covered in old papers for easy cleanup). I wasn't sowing anything like beans or peas, so didn't give her of those bigger seeds. And I thought it was really cute that when we folded up the packets, taped them shut and sealed back into the jars she said the seeds were going back to sleep! Must have heard me explain that to her sister before. (I store them in the fridge).

I started for myself a little bit of Summery Savory, more Dill, a handful of Bell Pepper, Ancho Pepper, Cherry Tomato and Italian heirloom tomato. Will start basil, flowers, more herbs in a few weeks. And plant the carrots and green beans directly outdoors when it's time.

So glad for the coming of spring!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

You are providing your girls a very good education and fun at the same time. Keep up the good work.