01 February 2012


Poking through the yard, looking for growing things. Quite a few Crocus under the front-yard trees, but only yellow ones. Where are the blues?
The Parsley plants are all growing lush through the leaf cover.
I found one Rhubarb unfurling its weird fat red shoots! A second one I can see the rosy nubbins just below the surface. Pulled the leaves back and gave them glass cloches. The other two plants I'm not sure if they will come back. One spot has blackened stumps- from flower stalks? but I thought I'd removed those, maybe I missed them- and the fourth spot, nothing.
The other plant I've seen very few signs of are my Daylilies! The Daffodils in their corner are bursting with buds, but I don't see any daylilies. I noticed this because in a neighbor's yard her whole bed is full of daylilies several inches high already. I pulled back the leaf mulch and found some green shoots coming through, but not as many as I expected. I'm hoping it's just that her spot gets a different amount of temperature/light and so hers are emerging earlier? but I don't know.

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