01 October 2011


I've been putting the coffee grounds around all the Strawberries, and the holes eaten into leaves have almost disappeared. It's the best proof against slugs yet. Better than broken eggshells, and much easier than beer traps.
I just don't have enough grounds (we don't drink much coffee, usually less than even 1 mugful a day) to put it in all the places I'd like to keep slugs away (and feed the soil at same time): around the rhubarb and hostas, to begin with. I've tried to get my husband to put a collection can in his office breakroom and bring me home all his co-workers' grounds, but he never did it. My next thought is to go to a local coffeeshop and ask can I have theirs- I've heard they'll fill up a bucket for you. Just don't know if other gardeners have beat me to it...

Now the Strawberry patch is free of other plants: I just dug up moved that Crepe Myrtle bush that grew up through one of my strawberry plants on that far right corner. (The poor strawberry is mostly brown but perhaps it will revive).

1 comment:

chrisa511 said...

Great idea!! I'm sure you can find a coffee shop that'll do it :) The starbucks by Matt's (my boyfriend) house puts all of their grinds in a basket that you can help yourself to!