19 January 2011


I don't know why I've been feeling the urge to do stuff with plants lately, when we're still stuck in winter! But the past few days I've been repotting a few plants and grooming others. Although winter is really the time they should rest and stay dormant...

My Oregano although still alive is looking very leggy after I cleaned off its dead foliage. I gave this one a new pot as well; realized when I dug it up in fall I just dumped the plant in a pot in its lump of garden soil. Probably part of the reason why it was unhappy. The soil heavy, clumpy, and harboring some worms! I loosened all the heavy dirt off its roots and gave it a new mixture of potting soil as well as a deeper pot with more room for the roots.

I never read about overwinter care for Oregano before; now I know I should probably have just cut it down to the ground and mulched it over, left it outside. But since I've got it indoors now, I'm wondering if I should go ahead and clip the stems all short, let them grow back for a fuller shape? If I can root the cuttings too I won't feel so bad if the parent plant dies. I'm really tempted to try it...

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