Lost the cap so I put one of foil on to keep the rain out.
Unfortunately, the best place to hang it, near my porch and the window, no longer has a suitable tree. Just my neighbor's arborvitae against the fence where the birds always are around, but none of the limbs are strong enough to hold this. So for now I've hung it on a tree in the back by the shed. But if any birds find it I won't be able to get a much better photo than this. Disappointing. (And probably a squirrel will get to it first, we'll see).
I have seen lots of birds around the yard this winter: juncos, sparrows, chickadees, a few robins. I miss the cardinals, although I see them in other yards. I see them around the areas where I left sunflowers and cosmos plants standing, so I wonder if they're after the flower seed that fell. Nice to think so.
OMG I love it Jeane :D :D So cute!! And so creative!!
Hm. I just hope the birds like it! It's been out there several days and I haven't seen any come by...
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