01 September 2010


We have Watermelon! I can't believe I got one to grow so nice. It tasted delicious, although my husband grumbles that there's so many seeds. Four more out there in the garden to eat as well, yipee!


chrisa511 said...

OMG I can't believe that came out of your garden!! That is so freaking cool :D I want my own house so bad so that I can take up more of my yard to grow stuff like melons :D

Debi said...

Oh, oh, oh...that just looks sooooo delicious!!!! It's dangerous to stop by here---seems like every time I do, I add more to my "what I want to try to grow next year" list!

Jeane said...

Hee hee last year I tried but only got one plant with one teensy watermelon on it. It was so small each of us just got one bite! (but still delicious). I'm glad they grew better this year.