14 September 2010

task list

The fall gardening chores are piling up, so I'm jotting down a list here to make sure I don't forget anything. More or less in the order I want to get things done:

- Clear the dead foliage and moth cocoons off my Broccoli
- Clear up dead branches and brush pile to put out for curb pickup on wednesday (I've read that cucumber beetles overwinter in dead brush, so I'm anxious to get it all out of the yard)
- Mow the thicker parts of the lawn (in the front under the trees the grass is already half-dormant and not growing much at all right now)
- Cut down all the dying Basil and failing Marigolds, turn them under the soil
- Turn the compost pile. Dig finished compost into the areas that are getting planted.
- Finish storing saved seed (Chard, Basil, maybe Green Beans)
- Set out young Lettuces, Cauliflowers and Broccoli into the garden
- Figure out what to use for supports and plant the Peas
- Clear underbrush from the edges of the yard
- Dig poison ivy out of the back fenceline
- Plant and mulch Garlics to overwinter
- Mulch the Strawberries and Rhubarb (when they die back)
- Clean up and compost the last summer plants when they're done: Peppers, Pumpkins, Green Beans
- Pot up a few Bell Pepper plants to try overwintering inside
- Pot up herbs to overwinter inside: Thyme, Basil and Oregano

Is that it? I feel like there's something more, but it's plenty to keep me busy for the next few weeks!

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