13 September 2010

new frame

I've built up my coldframe again, this time in a different spot against the porch fence where it gets a bit more shelter. Never got around to making a permanent frame yet (I don't know how, either!) so it's just stacked bricks and boards again. I'm getting tired of carting the plants in and out of the house to protect them each night, so I figured they're ready to stay outside, just under shelter.
You can see my baby Lettuces in there, and the young Broccolis in the back. The older Cauliflowers are outside of it along the edge, they'll just get tucked under plastic at night for a bit longer before going in the ground.

In other parts of the garden, my Carrots and Beets are still growing strong! But oddly, the Beets only sprouted a few where I dug them into compost- the same spot they grew in spring- and then disappeared. Is something in that spot eating the seedlings? And the new Carrot variety of seed my sister gave me, which I planted where the prickly bush came out, haven't sprouted yet. I'm beginning to wonder if they ever will...


chrisa511 said...

Your cold frame is so cool!! I love it! I think this is the most of your backyard I ever got to see in one picture :) It looks like a lovely space! I usually get to see just focused garden areas!

Jeane said...

I never thought of that. I'll have to take a few photos that show you the layout of my yard- it's really quite large, I'm trying to turn a lot of into garden because I hate mowing all that grass! Basically in the backyard there's a garden plot running along each edge of the lawn, against the house, on both sides, and I've started to convert some of the back into garden patches (the pumpkin area was the first this year). This post has photos of the plot behind my smaller porch (where the Broccoli are right now) and part of the long side garden where I created paths (it shows three garden beds, there are eight on that side). This post shows the side area through the back window, when some of the little plots were planted with lettuces, carrots and beets. And this post shows that area when I was first turning it into individual plots, marking off where the paths would be. I really don't have any other pics of the scope of things...