21 July 2010


A lot of my houseplants and seedlings "moved up" today.

First, I finally went out and bought a big pot for my Avocado plant. A ten-incher. I was very careful when repotting it, as I know if you break the taproot off the plant has no chance. I couldn't get a photo of the roots because the plant felt so precarious tipped upside down in my hand I was moving quickly. But it looked fantastic, all wiry strong and curled at the bottom (although compressed, no wonder the plant was sad!) Very strange feeling that as I held it upside down, the original avocado pit in my hand, picking out shards quickly with the other, I felt the pit jostle against my hand and for a second thought something alive was in there! but it was just the pit wiggling as my other hand moved against the roots. A very strange sensation. Anyhow, the plant is settled in nicely and didn't suffer any shock at all; far from being droopy it has started to open little new leaves out of those two nodes on top!
Then I repotted this little miniature Geranium that didn't have the right shape for a bonsai.
I figured I'll just let it grow the way it wants to, and maybe one day it will flower for me.
My little "Kiwi" plants were looking unhappy, and their leaves getting scorched.
I've repotted them, removed the damaged leaves, and set in a different spot with only indirect light.
Next I moved young Marigolds from seed tray
into cardpots
and also some of my already-started fall crops: the Broccoli
I ran out of toilet-paper tubes, so the Cauliflowers are still in their tray. They look good, though!

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