22 July 2010


I'm starting to get really excited about my Cantaloupes. The plants are so huge they're taking over everything!
 Dwarfing the short Corn stalks, crawling into the adjoining Tomato patch on one side
and the near-empty Carrot patch on the other
(not to mention trying to reach through the fence into the neighbor's yard and crawl across my lawn as well!) My beetle picking seems to be keeping things under control, I take off all the chewed leaves too (the plants look like they can easy spare some) so that no disease will spread and in the morning I can easily spot new-damaged leaves and look for nasty bugs in proximity.

There are so many little melons growing I'm not sure we'll be able to eat them all! Most have a funny oblong shape
This one that's a big bigger is nice and round.
The nearby Tomatoes don't seem to mind sharing the support of their cage with an encroaching Cantaloupe vine; I've been picking a nice handful into the gathered fold of my shirt every morning.

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