09 July 2010


My Avocado plant seems to be recovering! I did a lot more reading to try and find out what was going on. The advice I read before that said don't keep their toes wet was bad; other sources said Avocados need frequent light watering- every day to keep them moist but not soggy. I wondered then if mine got shocked from the dry treatment to get rid of gnats. I started watering it more regular, every other day, and it seems to be perking up again.
And the pit I planted in a pot five weeks ago? I'd almost lost hope on it, but it seems to be sprouting!


Debi said...


That bottom photo is so cool!

Jeane said...

Isn't it? I love seeing new things sprout! I hope I get another good plant (and take better care of it this time).

chrisa511 said...

Oh good!!! I was cheering your avocado plant on! LOL. I was so sad when it wasn't looking good. It makes me so happy to see this :)

Jeane said...

Makes me happy too. It looks even better this morning!