07 May 2010

birds and bugs

I've been putting out beer to trap slugs again. So far the Lettuce hasn't been chewed at all (is it because I didn't turn the soil in that plot this year? or because whatever was planted there last year didn't attract slugs? anyway I'm happy for it) and they've been mostly kept in check amongst the Beets (caught 1 teeny slug today) the Cauliflowers (2 medium and 5 itty bitty slugs) the Chard (1 tiny guy) and the Rhubarb (seven midsized ones). My mild offensive with beer seems to be pretty effective- except when it comes to the Strawberries. They are still getting eaten, and the beer didn't catch one! I guess strawberries smell sweeter than beer (I don't blame them, really!) Pill bugs seem to be munching on Strawberries too, so I'm near thinking I ought to pull out that dried-grass mulch as that's where they're probably hiding, and live with muddy strawberries instead.
Cauliflowers seen out the window

I used to think slugs were kind of cute, when they stuck out their little horns. But then, I used to think cucumber beetles were pretty, too- until they devastated my garden!

One another note, I am really enjoying watching the birds in our yard. Yesterday evening I sat on the patio with a book but ended up spending more time looking at the birds. Found some more information about them today.

The one I thought was a mockingbird, is actually a Gray Catbird. It's all gray with a darker cap on top of the head, and doesn't have the flashy white tail feathers when it flies. When they move on foot, they run with head and tail low, then flip head and tail up when they stop. It's very characteristic. I'd wondered if we had a catbird in the yard because I heard a kind of mewing call, and I'd read about them recently. They eat arthropods, which includes pill bugs! so I'm happy of that.

Here's the long, divided garden section out the window. I like looking how the blocks of plants are different colors and textures next to each other. The blank spot in front will have cherry tomatoes soon, then there's Bibb and Romaine Lettuce, Simpson Lettuce, Carrots, and Beets in the back. I just saw a grey bird hop into the beets, the camera just missed him. I think it's a Catbird- on pest control!

My favorites are the Northern Cardinals. Here's a beautiful photo of a female. The pair always visit our yard together, usually the male flies in first, then pretty soon the female will show up, and they poke around the lettuces together.  These guys eat weed seeds and insect pests like cutworms and caterpillars, so I'm happy to have them around too! Plus they're so pretty. This morning I stood under a high, overhanging branch of my neighbor's tree and looked up to see what bird was calling there. I didn't think I'd really spot it, but I did- the bright red cardinal male, I could see his throat throbbing with every call. So now I know his voice! They fly in straight lines across the yard, dipping in long swoops.

We also have a pair (or several?) of these plain brown birds I think are House Sparrows. There's a nest of them inside my neighbor's attic- I can hear the little birds cheeping through the grate under the peak, and often see an adult sitting on the aerial atop the roof. They are the boldest visitors to our makeshift feeder. Sometimes I see them hovering over the grass with rapid wingbeats. I'm not sure what they're doing- looking for something to eat? but what?

Other visitors to our yard are Robins, sometimes a flock of Starlings (but I haven't seen them lately) and occasionally I see a Blue Jay. He has a very distinct voice, ringing like a bell with a tkock in the middle. There are also Crows, and a pair of Mourning Doves nearby, but I don't seem them as often as last year. When Isa hears their soft wa-coo-coo, she thinks its an owl. I haven't heard the Woodpecker in a while, perhaps he's moved on?

Lots of different birds! I'm trying to figure out how to get better pictures of them. It's hard.

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