Planted today:
Bell Pepper- California Wonder (10-21 days)
Peppers- Hot Mix (10-21 days)
Tomatoes- Beefsteak (7-10 days)
Cheery Tomatoes- Sweetie (7-10 days)
Cantaloupe- Sweet 'n Early Hybrid (7-10 days)
Zucchini- Burpee's Fordhook (10-14 days)
Rosemary (15-25 days)
I put the Rosemary at the end of the long beds, next to the Fennel. It's a perennial too, so it seemed like a good spot. I don't know if it will survive winter, though. Turned the compost pile, not hot anymore, dug out the bottom of it and made a row/hill planted w/Zucchini interspersed w/Nasturtiums. Clipped tall grass from edges and mulched the Peas, S Lettuce, Broccoli and Chard with it. Weeded all the long bed, and found several volunteer S Lettuce from last year, also a small plant that looks like Sage coming up in a random spot. I also think I saw some Oregano sprouting. Lots of stuff growing, so picture day!
Top to bottom, left to right:
Onions, Garlic (both getting tall), Potatoes (I didn't think they were going to grow at all, but each one is sprouting!), Nasturtiums in the pot, S Lettuce volunteers, R Lettuce, Chard, Peas, Broccoli, Sunflor, Beets, S Lettuce bed, Cukes, Radishes