15 January 2018

window tank planting

The tank has a new look now. And it feels so right- so close to what I'd hoped to achieve someday (can't wait for those vals to grow up taller)- that I'm not surprised when I walk past it, just very pleased.
Trying to decide how to provide enough light for the plants without encouraging algae, I removed the dark panel and put a double sheet of plastic across the back of the tank. Now there's three layers of plastic film between the tank and window and on very sunny days I can close the curtain as well. I like how the new background softens the light.
Perry is pleased, too. More plant cover: better fish color.
I started out with planting by moving the leaf litter to the front of the tank- fish is taking a look at it.
Most of it got tucked back into corners around the anubias later on.
And then the vals went in- one at a time. Added some substrate siphoned out of the main tank. It's always odd to me, seeing the other tank through the side here.
Here's a view of the other short side. It doesn't look so different, unless you compare to a pic I took a few days ago of the same view.
Had to move a few things around. Didn't realize I still had three of these tiny crypts in here.
Windelov ferns still look peaky and dropping older leaves. If the increase in light doesn't help them, it's probably temperature- I hope they grow back out more come spring. However I don't really mind if there's some fluctuation in plant mass due to seasonal changes in here...
Parting shots: it's harder to get photos now. My eyes can make adjustments to the light coming in thru the plastic backdrop that camera can't handle. The best it can do is this:
Unless I prop dark background up again to block the window light-
It's not difficult, just something I have to remember to do when I want to take a photo.

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